Bone Shiba Swap Token Will Reach $3 January 2024 Because Of This Reason...

 Bone Shiba Swap Token Will Reach $3 January 2024 Because Of This Reason...

hey attention crypto gossip haters
things are about to get interesting remember not Financial advice hey guys what is up I hope everyone is doing well I hope everyone's having an amazing day because I am as usual ladies and gentlemen welcome back so will bone hit $2 $3 you know that is the big question I am talking about the short term because people want to see those days that we had in the past year ok we really had these opportunities exactly last year it went over $2 right and a lot of people due to events right now happening probably thinking well maybe I should have taken  out some more money maybe people held that has gotten some people a little bit upset and with a lot of regrets which I find a bit strange because guys bone has so much potential it's a gas token with a utility with a use case so for people to complain to be like oh my God you know the missed opportunity is those $2 come on give me a freaking break guys Bitcoin is so much better than that don't under value you know my  favorite token really annoys me when I hear that but for those of you that want to know if we're going to get to that $2 or $3 soon well I think we're going to hit it very soon you know  this could be happening next year January these are my predictions okay I'm just predicting this but I have some reasons for this and that reason is okay guys Bitcoin ETF Bitcoin Spar ETF okay so this is the big to right now this is the thing that needs to be approved in January the odds for it to be to being approved very  high okay we're talking like 95% chance of it being approved I don't see any reasons for it not to because at the end of the day Bitcoin  ETF is going to be a very important  move it is really going to actually  know establish Bitcoin as a serious asset you know really can't make any jokes out of  Bitcoins anymore it's like you know now a days before people would laugh they're like oh ha ha Bitcoin   this like a joke and stuff well after it becomes an ETF it's going to be seen as a very serious acid okay it's going to send the signal  to the finance world to the world in  general this thing is serious  so guess what Bitcoin ETFs come out  and many are predicting it to hit $100,000 I mean it's a big Mark I know it's a big level to hit okay they're expecting a lot but why not let's aim very high and guess what's going to happen with bone of course it's going to follow just like the whole crypto market so for bone to hit $2 or3 once Bitcoin hits 100K guys it's going to hit way more than that but I'm just going to give it you know a small prediction so you guys can be happy I know what's going to happen a lot of people are probably going to take out  a lot of money just to claim themselves  down when it hits2 or3 it is 2024 is going to be a very interesting year not only that but also with a Bitcoin having so you think about it right we've got Bitcoin ETFs so  that's going to kick in a lot of demand and when we're talking demand we're talking $30 billion in demand okay the type of purchases that are going to be made are insane it's going to shock the market there's going to be waves just flowing everywhere and it's going to touch every single crypto so everything's going to be pumped up after that the amount of money that is projected to be injected into Bitcoin wow i am just speechless I mean that is a big pump  I don't know like the exact  systematic process well the process of it being injected it going to happen like literally in an hour over  a few days what but the projection here is massive ok the type of money that's going to go what we're going to be expecting  ok now also on top of it you know a lot of people are talking about this 100K you go on Twitter people also making statements here Bitcoin ETFs approvals will send Bitcoin to 100K plus so people have very high expectations here very high and it would be nice for it to reach that those sort of  levels because it still hasn't seen that  sort of level but it's going to send a massive message to the world that Bitcoins are something that you need to actually take Serious simple as that I mean guys I'm going to open up the  charts of Bitcoins right now ok if  we go on the max chart the most we saw was about over 60k ok around 63k or 64k guys back in the days when it first came out you know it was floating around very small numbers  and people were making fun of it they were like well this isn't serious you  know the $100 200 300 500 and then imagine it hits 100K that is going to send a very serious message not only that but to a lot of governments as  well those that go after Bitcoin and try to discredit it I'm pretty sure that  they are going to have to be a little bit more considering of Bitcoin's power since people are genuinely you know  invested into this and this is the future we are combating the traditional ways of Finance trying to go more into decentralized Finance  crypto block chains all that stuff is coming simple as that and bit coin ETFs is going to be very nice for some people very nice  because for several reasons some countries they have tax benefits so with the imagine with a Bitcoin ETF much  better also the amount of people that are going to join the amount of new  investors fresh money those that just  don't want to use crypto exchanges would  just rather have it like on a NASDAQ rather than a coin base or Binance whatever that because you know the crypto exchange is true they've had some  bad rep we had FDX you know that that crash Binance being investigated so we have had some exchanges that haven't really been that fair it's true I'm not going to lie  about it so I think a lot of these all traditional investors that really  would never consider Bitcoin ever now with an ETF um I think it looks way more interesting for them and guys I mean in general if they start becoming   interested that's a massive  liquidity boost massive liquidity big  volumes going in everybody talking about news channels covering it so while Bitcoin is going up guess what's happening to your ship to your bone  now a lot of you are bone holders right you love bone shiver swap  token you have dedicated a lot of your time investment into it and so you expect a lot from here  when I was telling you about the 30 Cent  opportunities you are making at least five times on your investment  you're making 50 Grand simple as that you're walking away a happy person and also you know with the Bitcoin ETFs they  can be added in all sorts of other which creates even more opportunities ok more exposure more money more buyers I mean why not this thing is  projected to go up very high we  remember our selves you know what  happened when the gold ETFs were  was insane the price just  kept them going up and obviously there were other reasons  but I think you know it just made it such a more secure investment so overall I believe that  as Bitcoin is the God father of all  Bitcoins it is the trend Setter it is the you know the money maker the  cash cow that we need to admire and  look after it is going to push up all  its I'd say children and I would classify the ship ecosystem as its child as of now but it is going to raise it to levels that are going to at least  hit our dopamine effects hard enough to keep us satisfied for the next  weeks and then we all obviously see the Bitcoin Haring so many  developments need to come in ok and we  got to be ready for them and I think the whole Community understands this  and that's why they are invested into this and if you have your  plans of cashing out when it hits 2 or $3 even if it's a little bit then I mean I'm not here to stop you and if it's going to calm you down if you just want to take out 10 or 20% of  your bag and that's what is going to  make you happy then do whatever makes you happy ok because you will still well I assume ok I don't think you're just going to leave the the ecosystem straight away right because we still have many more events that need to happen but if it keeps you claim  if you still haven't returned your initial investment that would be a great opportunity ok  just to take out some funds to cover the investment that you made simple as that but as of now  if you think bone isn't going to go up you are very wrong you  are  mistaken ok because the volumes are going to be pumping in 2024 is the one to watch especially January so check out your charts get ready we want to have this one year anniversary uh because last um actually the beginning of this year  this year still hasn't finished remember what happened in January okay.

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